Hello Rad Readers...
I am combining these two books into one review because I read them both in the same day and the lines are all just blurring together at this point. Not because they were good but rather because I wanted to get them over with. As some of you may know I am starkly against DNFing books so I really just had to get through this. I had two options. One: prolong it and dread the day when I come to read it when I have nothing left on my bookshelf, and two: get it over with as fast and painless as I could. I opted for the latter and thus we are here.
Well, I should have listened to the reviews and that is the first and last time you will ever hear me utter those words. These books were poor, to say the least, at least in comparison to the Selection Series. The two I would consider being companion novels of that series since they follow a completely different set of characters. I know some people regard them differently, as rather a part of the series, however, I disagree. Okay, I digress.
My main problem with these two books was the fact that they really felt forced. I also know that this is not a valid complaint, but I also hate the fact that they were not about America and Maxon. They were the characters that we the readers fell in love with and this off brand storyline is simply just not what I signed up for. That is not a fair complaint to make however because I suppose I did sign up for it. I bought the books and I sat down to read them... A legitimate claim, however, is the fact that it felt very forced. The story just wasn't as interesting as America's. Sorry, but I don't care about the fact that this rich and beautiful princess that everyone loves can't find a boyfriend... I just really don't care? It all felt so shallow and I just did not like Eadlyn. She was snippy but not in a good way, selfish, stubborn, complain-y, and ugh!
The rest of the characters were also just poorly developed. I didn't get to know any single one of them well enough to want one to win over the other or to even identify the main supporting character!
The second book made circumstances no easier. The ending is lackluster and predictable once you start the second novel.
I really don't have much else to say. These books were bad and honestly just forgettable. I would like to pretend I didn't spend an entire day reading the two of them, so let us all just agree that this never happened. If you like quick reads that aren't exciting and somewhat painful to push yourself through, then check these out at your local library... I'm sure you will have a greatttt time... (not).
I wish Kierra Cass just wrote another two books about Maxon and America but we can't all get what we want, can we?
Ever the optimist,
- C8 ;)